The COMC is grateful for the musical gifts of former music directors.
Simon Irving 2014-2017
Andre Rakus 2013-2014
Jane Wamsley (Interim) 2012-2013
Janice Moro 2010-2012
Fred Numan 2007-2009
Gary Fisher 2005-2007
David Davis 2002-2005
Stephane Potvin 1999-2002
Lyn Harry 1977-1999 Conductor Emeritus (Founding Music Director)
The COMC would also like to thank the following talented musicians for lending their expertise to the choir in the past as Accompanist/Assistant Music Director or substitute Music Director.
Christine Chesebrough,
Bob Morrow Janice Beninger
Brent Fifield Krista Rhodes
Chris Bee Mair Wyn Jones
Fred Numan Sally Harry
Ian Green Stephane Potvin
Ivor James Tom Bell
Janet Stachow