Belleville, Wellington – 2017
Ireland Sept. 18 – Oct. 3, 2015
Irish eyes smiled upon the men who love to sing with concerts in Castlebar, Derry, Navan, Waterford, and Wicklow. Each concert was sung with local Irish choirs, such as the Doire Calgach Singers, Navan Male Voice Choir, and Waterford Male Voice Choir, among others. In addition to singing at concerts, the COMC entertained guests with fun afterglows. The COMC Tour Committee also organized visits by luxury coach to Belfast, Bushmills, Cork, Derry, Dublin, Galway, Kilkenny, and Killarney, with many tourist stops en route. The sightseeing was spectacular!
The Netherlands, Belgium, England – 2012
Trenton, Picton – 2009
Parry Sound, Sudbury – 2008
England – 2006
Trenton, Picton – 2005
Parry Sound, Collingwood – 2004
Ottawa – 2002
Ireland – 2000
The Maritimes – 1997
Great Britain – 1994
Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, France – 1992
Wales, England, Scotland – 1988
Western Canada / USA (Pennsylvania) – 1986
Great Britain – 1984
USA (500 Voices Festival) – 1983
Eric, (a colleague and friend of mine), and I sang in a teacher/student choir for over a year and thoroughly enjoyed it. I had never sung in a choir before but loved to sing. The school choir unfortunately was discontinued early in 1977. Later that year, Eric called and said there was a new choir being formed in Hamilton under a well-known choirmaster from Wales — Lyn Harry. Would I like to try it? I did, and I’m so glad I did. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the singing, the concerts, the tours, the fellowship and the friends I’ve made in the Canadian Orpheus Male Choir.
One of the best things about the COMC today is that, even though we always aim for artistic excellence (and we can sing a lot of songs beautifully), somehow we have resisted the urge to act like a professional choir that gets rid of members who can’t sing as well as the rest. And in doing so we’ve preserved the original spirit of the men who love to sing. We also proved that we can stick together when faced with adversity. This year, I look forward to more upbeat music to sing and more time to learn new songs.
I first heard the COMC in 2009 when my wife and I went to one of their concerts. I spoke with the Music Director after the concert and thought it would be a good group to join. My favourite things about the choir include the variety of music genres we sing, the camaraderie, having some fun, and the great concerts. This year, I’ll simply enjoy being active especially at my age… It’s great to get out there and sing. I surprise myself — I can do this!
I heard about the the COMC through a friend (Ted) who sings with the choir and decided to join because I like to sing and I like to meet new people. I love the level of professionalism that exists in everything that the choir does. I’m looking forward to performing in more concerts and learning many beautiful and contemporary songs.
I first heard of the COMC in 2012… It was winter, February… A few friends were having a get-together including George and his wife. Knowing I write and compose songs, I was requested to sing one of my originals, so I did. Immediately afterwards, George said he was not taking no for answer and he’d be picking me up to go to one of the COMC practices on the coming Monday evening… So here I am. One of the best things about the choir is the caring people. It’s like having another family… belonging.
We had the joy of having the COMC perform their music for us here. Our parish tends to be an older congregation, but we do have a mixture of ages. Our organizers were able to interest a good turnout of people for the show. Members of the choir were very pleased with our numbers and so was I. The combination of the choir, with their excellent variety of songs, interspersed by our own musically talented people, was wonderful. It was also good to see that, after expenses, we still had a good ‘profit’ from the event for our charitable purposes. Thank you, gentlemen!
Over the years, there have been some changes in the membership of the COMC, the conductors and the accompanists, of course, but what has not changed is our friendship, enthusiasm and love of singing. New members have come along and we love to see them having fun learning the music and experiencing the thrill of observing the audiences enjoying COMC concerts. I look forward to the learning and presentation of the music we perform and, of course, our upcoming concert tour. I hope that many other men who love to sing will come forward and enjoy the choir as much as I do.
In 1989, I saw a notice in a local newspaper that the Canadian Orpheus Male Choir was looking for new members. I had sung with two mixed choirs before, but men’s 4-part harmony appealed to me, and the choir’s sound convinced me to join. The choir is smaller now, but it is still one part of my life that gets me involved with a bunch of like-minded guys… More than 25 years of camaraderie, and counting!
The Norfolk Note-Ables thoroughly enjoyed sharing the stage with the men.
It was very inspiring!
I just wanted to say thank you for two wonderful concerts in Barrie and Orillia. We had many compliments this morning at church and they hope you will come again. Ian and I had so much fun hosting you; you always make us feel a part of the choir. Please give our best to the men who love to sing.
I first heard about the choir through my wife who quilts with her friend, Erme. Erme mentioned that her husband, Wayne, sang in a choir and that they were looking for new members. Since I was approaching retirement, my wife thought I might like to explore that as a hobby. The next step was for Wayne to bring me to my first practice… I became mesmerized by the harmony of the 4-part arrangements. Then they sang Kings Of Swing… Well, I cannot describe how uplifting and happy that music made me! And to this day it has the same effect. That’s why I decided to join.
I first heard about COMC from Winston. He outright asked if I enjoyed music, which I do, and then he inquired if I was interested in joining the choir. At first, I hesitated, but another buddy, Hugh, said he would pick me up and bring me to the next practice… The guys were friendly; the music was enjoyable; my wife enjoyed the company of the other members’ spouses. The COMC is all about fellowship through music. Nobody’s pretentious. They made me feel welcome from day one and I volunteered for the Management Committee within my first 6 months. Now I’m getting excited about the upcoming concert tour. Joining this choir offers a chance to get to know a great group of guys who love to sing.
It was our pleasure — everyone there enjoyed themselves.
I first heard the COMC when the choir sang at our church. I was invited to visit a rehearsal and liked what I heard… the fellowship… these guys genuinely like to sing and they all come together when needed. I’m looking forward to our next concert tour, having fun together for over two weeks.